How to Research Water

Wisconsin Water Library > Wisconsin Residents > How to Research Water

Looking for more detailed information on water? Wisconsin residents should start with our Water on the Web page to begin their search. There are many water-related websites there, arranged by topic. If you don’t find what you need there, here are some publicly available resources to get you started. And please send us a message if Wisconsin Water Library can help. We are more than happy to help facilitate your research.


Reading Lists


Agricola – A free public version of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) database, this site includes publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, aquaculture and fisheries, farming, agricultural economics, extension and education, and earth and environmental sciences.

BadgerLink – BadgerLink is a collection of databases available to residents of Wisconsin that provides a “common” set of resources to schools, businesses, hospitals, libraries, and residents on a wide range of subjects including many aspects of water.

Beilstein Abstracts – ChemWeb – A database of titles and abstracts of approximately 750,000 articles from 140 journals in organic and related chemistry. The articles date from 1980 to the present.


US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Online Library System – Includes several databases including the EPA’s National Library Catalog, EPA documents in the National Technical Information System (NTIS) and other special collections.

GreenFILE – For high school, college-level and adult researchers, with articles covering all aspects of human impact on the environment

Ingenta – Water-related journals are included among the thousands of journals covered by this document delivery service. Anyone can purchase an article and choose electronic or fax delivery.

NAL Water Resources Database – The National Agricultural Library’s Water Quality Information Center has put together this listing of many publicly available databases.

National Technical Information System (NTIS) Title Search – This abbreviated version of the NTIS database can be searched by title or topic. Includes the 450,000 NTIS products and publications issued since 1990.


TOXNET – Toxicology Data Network. A cluster of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas. Includes Toxline.

USGS Science in Your Watershed — Long list of databases related to water, from USGS, EPA and others.


Water Science and Technology Board Publications – The National Academies’ Water Science and Technology Board conducts studies on all aspects of water resources, including science, engineering, economics, policy, and social concerns. The full text of their publications in .html format can be read online.

Water Measurement Manual – This guide (3rd edition, 1997; with corrections through 2003) provides water users and districts guidance in selecting, managing, inspecting and maintaining their water measurement devices.


Water on the Web

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